Jo Harding talks about #mylightingpassion and how she started her career in lighting

                  1. What attracted you to the lighting profession?

                  I’m afraid I’m one of those ‘I fell into lighting’ people. I was selling advertising for an international publication but wanted to get into product sales. I applied for a position in the Daily Telegraph for a European sales position for MD Lighting. They manufactured lighting for the domestic market (they were also part of the Whitecroft Group). I’d rather not say how many years ago that was -but (looking at my cv..) it was erm over 30 years ago.

                  1. How did you become involved with Architectural FX?

                  Through Dean Wood. He introduced me to Chris, James, Issie and the rest of the team. At that time (last October) Architectural FX was not marketing its products very much and I thought I could contribute with my experience in sales and marketing. I liked the people, the products and also the great service reputation the company enjoys.

                  1. For you, what is the most exciting aspect of working in lighting?

                  I love working with bright talented people like lighting designers, architects, engineers and people in manufacturing. I’m also in awe of the developing technology in lighting and the building industry in general. Also the creativity of building designers and how they are trying to respond to the growing challenges of climate change.

                  1. What for you is the most frustrating aspect of working in the lighting industry?

                  I’m really frustrated by politics in the industry-it can be toxic at times and destroys the chemistry of good teams when allowed to run riot.

                  1. Is there a person who has had a big influence on you in business and influenced your success?

                  I have to say Janet Turner at Concord Lighting. I admired her creativity, business acumen and the way she dealt with a male-dominated management team. She was also great fun, with a charistmatic personality and zest for life. Abit of a lighting icon really..

                  1. Could you list the top 5 reasons why you love your job?

                  I like working on strategic marketing and creative ideas

                  I love working with the team and getting to know them better each day

                  I love keeping in contact with old friends in the industry-amongst others Alma Cardzic and Mark Major. And getting to know the younger designers who are making a difference.

                  I like my current work/life balance. As I’m getting older my time is more valuable.  I’ve just got a lovely grandson, Stanley, and want to be able to spend time with him (and my son), not forgetting hubbie Colin.

                  1. Could you sum up in a one sentence #mylightingpassion

                  #mylightingpassion is to contribute to the most sustainable lighting possible-whatever that looks like. I know it’s all that everyone talks about,  but the state of the planet is something that worries me and I want to be able to do my bit and leave some sort of personal legacy.

                  1. Can you tell us something about yourself that not many people know?

                  As well as a dog Millie I have 2 guinea pigs-Flo and Frenchie. I never had piggies when I was growing up then bought 2 for my son when he was 8. (He’s now 27..and doesn’t live here anymore). Whenever one passes away I have to get another companion for the newly single guinea pig. And so it goes on. They’re cute helpless little creatures and I like giving them a good home!