Chris Skelley talks about #mylightingpassion and why he started Architectural FX

  1. What attracted you to the lighting profession?

At 19, more by luck than judgment, I worked in a lighting component supply company. I thought there was more to lighting than lampholders and starter switches (do we even use them now?) I was right of course, thank you John Munnings (Wherever you are?)

  1. What made you start up Architectural FX?

My first Saturday job when I was at school, was helping my dad out. I swept the floors in a warehouse. I got paid 50p and it ignited my entrepreneurial spirit. I always wanted to run my own business, and lighting was what I knew, so it was an obvious path.

  1. For you, what is the most exciting aspect of working in lighting?

Working on projects from concept to completion, in lighting you appreciate the positive impact of artificial light. (If it’s designed and installed well.)

  1. What for you is the most frustrating aspect of working in the lighting industry?

Since LED hit mainstream, lack of innovation. Poor installation.

  1. Is there a person who has had a big influence on you in business and influenced your success?

John Sawyer @ DAL. He taught me the importance of networking. He was also a great lighting mentor and taught me how to drink Steins of beer in Hannover…..

  1. Could you list the top 5 reasons why you love your job?

I work hard and I can see how hard work pays off.

I’m able to directly influence what our company does, quickly.

Finding the next me (that may divide opinion..).

Working on projects with some lovely creative people.

Working with my small bright team of people.

  1. Could you sum up in a one sentence ‘#mylightingpassion’

Walking around London thinking (and often saying..), it looks amazing, I did that! (not limited to London obviously). One of my favourite projects that we worked on is the London HQ for Bloomberg.

  1. Can you tell us something about yourself that not many people know?

I love Ice Skating.